5 Mistakes You Will Probably Make When You Go Vegan

Noemi Tuba
5 min readMay 15, 2020

#2. Getting rid of all the non-vegan products in your home

Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel from Pexels


If you are reading this article chances are you are thinking to go vegan.

Good stuff.

Becoming vegan is, indeed, one of the most transformational experiences anyone can have. Yes, I know. It sounds totally cliche but it’s true, anyway.

However, if you want to leave animals off your plate (and your life) for good first, you must know your why.

Why would you really want to become a vegan?

Is it because of the environment? The animals? Because of health reasons? Spirituality? Perhaps all of the above?

Although, being vegan has plenty of benefits, people usually choose to become one for a particular reason. For example, I am basically vegan for the animals. Yes, I am aware of the additional benefits that comes with veganism, yet, I am not sure, if I have ever turned vegan if it wasn’t for the animals.

So, ultimately, I’m vegan for them.

And you?

Knowing your reason and being crystal clear about it will certainly help you in the long run and even if you make any of these common mistakes, you will have a much better chance to get back on the vegan track.

Instead of giving it all up.


Going vegan overnight is easy. No, I’m serious. Anyone can do it. However, staying vegan for long, well, that’s an entirely different story.

Joke aside, many people choose to go vegan cold turkey without really understanding the complexity of their decisions. And that’s exactly why so many fail at the very beginning. First, you must remember that as a non-vegan you most likely have been consuming all kinds of animal products for years, if not decades therefore, saying no to them can be a real challenge. Even if you know that they aren’t really good for you.

Put it simply, when it comes to veganism, good intention alone usually isn’t enough. Regardless of everything, you most certainly will experience some cravings, especially early on.

That’s just a given.

With all that being said, you can become vegan could turkey. So if you are ready, go for it! However, I have seen way too many people turning vegan overnight, only to give it all up within a few days.

You can avoid this mistake by eliminating animal products from your diet one by one, instead of all together. You could get rid of milk on week one, cheese and other dairy products on week two, eggs on week three, and so on.

Remember you don’t need to figure everything out straight away. You just need to get started.


Just like going vegan overnight, getting rid of all non-vegan products can be very tempting. But saying goodbye to every household item that contains animal ingredients can cost you a lot.

I mean, A LOT.

It’s because (surprise, surprise) they can be found almost everywhere. Sometimes in the most shocking places. Everyday items like soaps, shampoos, conditioners, fabric-softeners, toothpastes and perfumes they all contain animal-derived ingredients.

Even condoms. (shocking, I told you)

But since you have already bought those products, throwing them away is kinda useless. So, you might as well use them up. The same is true for your clothes. You probably have at least a few pairs of leather shoes (and bags) and perhaps some silk wear too. Frankly, the lives of those animals had been already taken, so you might want to honour them by wearing those items till possible.


One of the first things vegan newbies tend to do is trying to find vegan alternatives for their favourite non-vegan foods. The good news is that they don’t even have to try hard at all. Nowadays you can have burger, cheese, chocolate, ice-cream, yoghurt and a myriad of other things. All plant-based.

Totally awesome.

Surely, vegan products are cruelty free, they still can be highly processed or loaded with sugar and sodium. Like potato chips and Coca-Cola. They’re both vegan. But healthy? Well, not quite. Now, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t try any of these products, you just want to make sure that you don’t overindulge in them. I know, it’s easier said than done. So, good luck!


I remember when I first shared the video that made me go vegan with my then-friend and her boyfriend. And even though, I wasn’t expecting them to become vegan immediately, still, the response they had after seeing the film got me totally puzzled.

We are not sold, — was the reply.

That’s all.

The same documentary that made me go vegan in an instant, (in about 20 minutes, to be precise) didn’t faze them at all. Admittedly, I was shocked. I didn’t understand how we could watch the same thing and yet, react so differently.

Honestly, I still don’t.

After being vegan for 18 months, I can sincerely say,

Becoming vegan is nowhere near as difficult as accepting the fact that most people aren’t and some may never will.

And even those who choose to go vegan will only do it when they feel ready.

Their timing is their business, not yours.

So, to avoid headaches and disappointments focus on your own journey and live by example. Because when you look and feel great people can’t help but ask questions. And once they understand veganism and its numerous benefits, they are more likely going to try it out for themselves.


Just don’t. Seriously.

Going vegan is already a complex task and wanting to get it right straight away will only put extra, unnecessary pressure on you.

Most vegans I know (including myself) made some mistakes along the way. But, hey, ask yourself, have you ever achieved anything without any setbacks? Have you ever reached your ideal weight without ever messing up your diet? Or learnt a new language without skipping a few days of practice?

I don’t think so.

So, instead of focusing on becoming a “perfect vegan" first, simply become one.

As Maya Angelou says,

Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better do better.

But for now, just take that first step.



Noemi Tuba

Vegan. Long-term meditator. Outside the box thinker. Writing to help others reconnect with other beings, humans, and non-humans, and understand veganism better.